Dale had his solo flight on Saturday, January 28, 2012.
I went with him and even went with him and his instructor on some pre-solo flight run through. This was the first time I have gone with him. I get motion sick very easily, so it took awhile for me to go with him. I was very nervous for his solo flight, but after flying with him, I really wasn't nervous at all, well a little bit, but not as much as I thought I would be. The first take off he had the plane was a bit off balanced, but that was due to the extra weight in the back, me! After 3 or 4 touch and go's his instructor and myself got out of the plane and he was on his own. I stood and watched him fly. I am so proud of him and excited that he finally gets to do what he has always wanted to do, learn to fly. He has a post on his blog in progress that he will share in more detail, but wanted to share a few pictures form that day.
Dale in the pilot seat.
I had a cool head phone with mic, but tries to take a picture with the small camera only to find out the battery was dead.
Downtown Houston from the plane
Coming in for a landing.
It was hard to see from the back seat
Sorry, my comments always post twice for some reason.
Congratulations Dale!! I hope you enjoyed the first time plane flying pretty much. It's was amazing when I first time learn flying a plane. Thanks
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