Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Fun

We didn't do too much. We thought about inviting people over for a BBQ but didn't know how the Charlie, the new puppy would react, she would have been fine, but we didn't know that yet. Dale worked on his airplane, I did some laundry, Makenzie did some studying and Jacob did have a friend over in the afternoon. When Jacob's friend, Austin, showed up to swim it was raining, but Austin said his dad would make it stop. Austin's dad is one of the high school football coaches and he has the nickname Zeus, because people think he controls the weather. Zeus was right because the rain stopped. The boys had fun playing in the pool and with the dogs and then Dale barbecued. Pretty low key!
Here comes the rain

Austin and Sammie

Jacob and Charlie

Charlie likes the string on Austin's swim trunks

Sammie fetching her toy

Charlie playing with a splash ball

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