Thursday, March 4, 2010

Random Stuff

My favorite facebook status this week:
"Women are angels...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly.....on a broomstick. We are flexible like that."

Funny email:
"I got a new stick of deodorant today. The instructions said: Remove cap and push up bottom. I can barely walk, but whenever I pass gas, the room smells lovely."

From our dentist:
Jacob has an infected tooth that has swollen his gum by the tooth. The tooth will need to come out, but they can't give him anything to numb it while it's infected. The dentist made a small poke in the gum and was trying to release some of the infection. She was pushing on it and I think it was hurting her more than Jacob. She turned to me and said, " I really hate to hurt people." I'm thinking, then you are in the wrong profession!

Conversation with the Junior High Coach:
Dale and I were discussing the game Jacob just played on Wednesday night with the Jr. High coach who was in attendance(We beat his son's team on Monday to advance). He said that Jacob was really looking tired towards the end of the game. I said, "Probably because some Junior High Coach made them run the mile at school today." Luckily he laughed. The coach did tell us he was kind of excited when he saw Jacob missing from PE on Monday(Jacob was at the dentist) and thought he wouldn't be there to play Monday night. Sorry Coach.

At 2:30 am this morning, I hear noises coming from the kitchen, wake up and see there is a light on. Dale asked me if I left it on when I got up to get a drink a little earlier. I said I didn't turn the light on. I got up to see Brittney making her school lunch. I asked her why she was up so early. She looked at the clock and asked if it was really 2:30. She went back to bed, but was ready for Seminary and her lunch was made.

1 comment:

Miqui said...

I loved the facebook status, so true. Thanks for the laugh Aunt Marti.