Saturday, August 7, 2010


Nothing like getting ready for Girls Camp to add a little stress to your life.
I got all the t-shirts ordered and they were a few days late getting here, but they got here. I spent yesterday sorting them out by Wards and by Age Group. Made all the name tag and got hem in their plastic container with the camp schedule. Just need to hook the lanyards on them and then put a wrist band in for the girls who are  class 3 certified swimmers. Sound like I have it all under control, right?? Well, I got a new list of people coming to camp last night and there were may extras who weren't on the list when I ordered shirts a few weeks ago. You say get extra shirts, I did like 12 of them and we are cutting it close even with others dropping out. So yay, I get to go through all the shirts again and make changes.  I also have to make more name tags and still waiting on camp directors to send me the swim certification cards. They've only known they had to send them to me for 4 months now. I've called them this week and have sent them 2 emails also so the I guess I should have given them more time. 
Camp will be fun!

My organized piles that are all put away, just to have to be pulled out again and redone.